Six-star Care Inspection report
A service which helps vulnerable homeless people maintain tenancies and lead independent lives has been awarded the highest grades by inspectors.

Loretto Care services in South Lanarkshire received a six-star excellent rating from the Care Inspectorate.
Inspections were carried out by the independent regulator at the Young Persons Intensive Outreach and the Carlisle Road Outreach Housing Support services in Hamilton.
In each of the three areas inspected – quality of care and support; quality of staffing, and quality of management and leadership – Loretto Care was awarded the maximum six-star rating.
Cathy Fallon, Director of Loretto, said: “We provide industry-leading support and advice for vulnerable people to help them make the successful transition to independent living.
“We’re absolutely delighted the Care Inspectorate recognises the outstanding services provided in South Lanarkshire which play a key role in helping people turn their lives around.”
The Young Person service provides intensive housing support for people aged 16-25 across South Lanarkshire with complex support needs – including learning disabilities, mental health problems, drugs and alcohol problems – who are experiencing homelessness or may be at risk of homelessness.
The Carlisle Road service provides advice and signposting, in addition to housing support, to people experiencing homelessness to help them into accommodation and to sustain their tenancy.
The report stated: ‘The service offers excellent support to service users using a person-centred approach. Service users have excellent opportunities to be involved in their support and in the development of the service and the organisation’.
The report added: ‘The service and the organisation is committed to improving and developing the service to provide a high standard of support, and to ensure excellent participation and involvement’.
Loretto Care, which is part of Wheatley Group, provides care and support services to more than 2000 people.
Find out more about the six-star rating at Care Inspectorate report.
Tuesday, March 08, 2016