Advisory Group and forum
We want the people we work for to design, shape and review their support and services.
At a service level, customers are equal partners. They decide what outcomes they want to work on, when they want their support and have a say on who provides it.
At an organisation level, customers meet with staff in strategic roles within Wheatley Care at our Advisory Groups.
They influence the direction of Wheatley Care by feeding back directly to the top level, sharing ideas and having a say into organisation improvement plans.
People we work for from across the organisation meet at our Advisory Group in Glasgow and Grangemouth offering feedback, advice and expertise to improve the services we provide.
People who attend represent a broad range of the people we work for and act as representatives for others who cannot attend. People meet with the Head of Care and Service Development Leads.
The Advisory Group is provided with training, for example Step Into Leadership and Innovation training as well as visiting Wheatley Care services to develop a deeper understanding of our organisation.